private sector corporation services


success, stairs, determination

Bashen’s training experience spans two decades having trained over 500,000 individuals from senior executives, middle and front line managers and supervisors, team leaders, and non-supervisory employees from a variety of industries. Bashen’s proprietary training curriculum is designed to measurably improve the knowledge and skills of employees at every level.

courses we offer

This training explores the various laws, regulations, policies, and guidance that prohibit discrimination in the workplace.

Managers have a large role in creating an inclusive culture in the workplace. The course discusses techniques to foster open communication and training and mentoring programs. Further, the instructor guides on how to avoid subjective employment decisions, how to handle harassment and retaliation in the workplace, and monitor for potential discrimination.

Years of investigative experience have enabled Bashen to develop AWARE©, a dynamic model that streamlines the harassment investigative process. AWARE will teach participants how to efficiently conduct an effective harassment investigation from interviewing techniques to report writing.

Participants will define harassment, discuss the various forms of harassment, understand which acts constitute harassment in the workplace, discuss acceptable workplace behavior, explore the intangible effects of discrimination and examine the EEOC guidelines regarding harassment.

Our instructors cover bystander intervention and its importance in preventing harassment by stopping actions that promote violence. The course includes case studies, role play, and strategies for participants to effectively intervene and stop unwanted conduct.

Participants gain a better understanding of the EEO process and learn to identify problem areas. The training helps clarify the responsibilities of each stakeholder and the application of effective measures.

The advanced workshop provides in-depth instruction about civil rights laws, management directives, executive orders, and current issues in the workplace.

The instructor discusses the benefits of fair employment practices such as a wider pool of qualified applicants, access to new markets, improved customer satisfaction, and increased retention of workers. Further, the instructor discusses topics and questions during the hiring process deemed unacceptable by EEO guidelines for fair employment practices.

The instructor discusses the importance of fair employment practices and the risks of not complying with legal obligations. As workforce demographics change, diversity in the workplace becomes more of a business necessity rather than a symbolic action.

Learn what happens after an employee files a charge of discrimination against your organization, the complaint process, timelines, and other procedural questions that affect employers.

Master the elements of a healthy organization, including the tools and techniques used to assist employers in achieving that A+ Workplace. A wonderful workplace creates an environment that fosters excellence, attracts extraordinary employees, has a real sense of camaraderie, and increases productivity.

Participants will leave this workshop understanding the meaning of “disability” and the employer’s duty to accommodate disabled employees. Further, the instructor discusses acceptable and unacceptable reasonable accommodations and what constitutes an undue hardship on the conduct of its business.

It can be a daunting task to run your business and simultaneously comply with the various federal, state, and local employment laws. The Bashen staff assists small businesses in navigating the employment compliance maze to protect your business from costly litigation.

This workshop is designed to improve your organization’s efforts in providing a workplace free of discrimination by promoting equal employment opportunities and evaluating and/or improving your organization’s current efforts. Further, the instructor covers best practices in recruiting, hiring, promotions, career advancements, and accommodation programs.

Our instructor will discuss evolving legal trends and your role in EEO compliance by exploring real-life situations. Participants will leave this workshop will a better understanding of the Equal Pay Act, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), Pregnancy Discrimination Act, Title I and V of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), The Civil Rights Act of 1991, Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), The Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act, Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and other state and local EEO and Anti-Discrimination laws.

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