Extensive Experience Across Various industries
Every corporation, firm, or partnership that employs 15 or more employees is subject to federal discrimination laws, as well as state discrimination laws that may be more onerous than the federal statutes. Just one mismanaged case can disrupt an organization’s operation; may force a company to incur substantial legal fees during litigation; might compel an unreasonable settlement to avoid incurring additional legal expenses and a possible adverse jury verdict; and perhaps most importantly, just one charge can publicly tarnish a company’s reputation.
Since 1994, Bashen Corporation (“Bashen”) has been the preeminent pioneer in several Industry Solutions, Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance Administration. Bashen has successfully investigated nearly 100,000 EEO claims, ranging from simple workplace disputes to complaints with systemic implications. Our experience extends to numerous industries in the private, federal, and insurance sectors, including Fortune 500 companies, small businesses, non-profit, organizations, franchises, government agencies, and more.