Federal Agency Services
Bashen Corporation (“Bashen”) provides federal agencies with thorough and professional EEO investigative services. Our experience spans 31 years with over 100,000 EEO investigations that range from simple employee disputes to harassment allegations and complaints with class action implications. Investigations are core to an agency’s EEO initiatives and to building a Model EEO Program.
Our full-time investigative staff is all certified EEO investigators with law degrees. Our management staff has unsurpassed knowledge and experience totaling over 60 years. Bashen Corporation’s investigative effectiveness is enhanced with Nalikah, formerly known as LinkLine (Patent No. 6,985,922, B1), our patented EEO case management and tracking software. Nalikah helps to streamline the investigation while simultaneously reducing the time and costs associated with EEO complaints.

Bashen’s EEO Investigations:
- Full-time EEO investigative staff
- Neutral and comprehensive investigations
- Detailed investigative plan
- Investigations conducted within 30-45 working days
- Correctly analyzing accepted issues
- Scheduling and conducting witness interviews
- Drafting affidavits
- Obtaining and reviewing documentary and statistical data
- Writing Reports of Investigation
- Preparation of Executive Summary
- Managing response times effectively
- Weekly status reports
- Consulting agency representatives during all critical stages of the investigation