Delivering Comprehensive EEO Solutions
Our team will boost your organization’s ability to impart pertinent knowledge about tolerance, inclusion, and fair employment practices. Individuals learn in four ways: visually, audibly, analytically, and emotionally. However, no two people learn the same way. Bashen’s interactive training modules and courses blend various techniques to deliver key information and keep the attendees engaged. Depending on an agency’s preferences, we utilize live oration, videos, interactive polling, role-playing, case studies, group projects, activity worksheets, questions, and answers to create a positive educational experience. Our proven training modules provide trainees with practical insights, skills, and tools to support a diverse and harmonious workforce.
Team of expert instructors to offer advice and best practices to facilitate and foster inclusive workplace environments. Bashen’s instructors are an amalgamation of experiences that include Diversity and Inclusion, Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance, Human Resources, and legal expertise. Our vast EEO compliance experience has enabled Bashen’s thought leaders to develop and deliver exceptional curricula.
Our training background comprises the design of various diverse workplace subjects including but not limited to the following: Diversity & Inclusion; Cultural Awareness; Microaggression, New Word Same Slurs; Unconscious Bias; Fair Employment Practices; EEO Training; Anti-Harassment and Workplace Misconduct; Black Transgender in The Workplace (When Sam Becomes Samantha); Discrimination and Retaliation Prevention; Challenge Bias, It’s Me Not You… For Real, When I was Colored, the conflict of race; The Conversation on Race; Generations Apart; The Bubba Plan; The White Guy in the Room; White Privilege versus White Entitlement; The Discussion, Black Folks; Workplace Sensitivity and more….