Federal Agency Services
Bashen Corporation (“Bashen”) provides federal agencies with a proprietary anti-harassment program titled, AWARE™.
AWARE™ brings Bashen’s experience that spans 31 years and over 100,000 investigations. The EEOC issued EEO Management Directive (MD) – 715, which establishes that model EEO programs must issue policies and procedures for addressing all forms of harassment. In this regard, federal agencies must create a work environment that is free from sexual and non-sexual harassment.
Bashen’s response to the EEOC’s intentions is its proprietary process model, AWARE™. AWARE™ is Bashen’s proprietary process model for strengthening an established harassment program or designing a custom program.

- A clear explanation of prohibited conduct.
- Assurance that employees who make claims of harassment or provide information related to such claims will be protected against retaliation.
- A well-designed complaint process that provides accessible avenues for complainants;
- Assurance that the employer will protect the confidentiality of the individuals bringing harassment claims to the extent possible.
- A complaint process that provides a prompt, thorough, and impartial investigation; and
- Assurance that the employer will take immediate and appropriate corrective action when it determines that harassment has occurred.