federal agency services

Anti-Harassment Program Design and Development

Bashen Corporation (“Bashen”) provides federal agencies with a proprietary anti-harassment program titled, AWARE.

AWARE™ brings Bashen’s experience that spans 31 years and over 100,000 investigations. The EEOC issued EEO Management Directive (MD) – 715, which establishes that model EEO programs must issue policies and procedures for addressing all forms of harassment. In this regard, federal agencies must create a work environment that is free from sexual and non-sexual harassment.

Bashen’s response to the EEOC’s intentions is its proprietary process model, AWARE™. AWARE™ is Bashen’s proprietary process model for strengthening an established harassment program or designing a custom program.

  • A clear explanation of prohibited conduct.
  • Assurance that employees who make claims of harassment or provide information related to such claims will be protected against retaliation.
  • A well-designed complaint process that provides accessible avenues for complainants;
  • Assurance that the employer will protect the confidentiality of the individuals bringing harassment claims to the extent possible.
  • A complaint process that provides a prompt, thorough, and impartial investigation; and
  • Assurance that the employer will take immediate and appropriate corrective action when it determines that harassment has occurred.

Bashen’s harassment teams are full-time attorneys/investigators trained in the AWARE™ process model. The investigators and support staff are all certified EEO investigators. Our management personnel have over 60 years of investigative expertise and unsurpassed knowledge and experience. Bashen’s investigative effectiveness is enhanced with our patented EEO case management and tracking software, Nalikah, formerly LinkLine (Patent No. 6,985,922, B1). With Nalikah harassment investigations are managed successfully while simultaneously reducing the time and costs associated with harassment and hostile allegations complaints. Agencies receive real-time data that support remedial action involving substantiated harassment/hostile work environment allegations.

Bashen is an authorized GSA contractor under Schedule 738X, Human Capital Management, and Administrative Support Services.

View Bashen’s GSA Schedule Here

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